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Solar School Overview

2024 Solar School!

(Solar School #27)

October 24 - 27 (2024)

First Presbyterian Church,

Fort Worth, TX



Registration DEADLINE 9/24/24



Solar School is the training program for Solar Under the Sun.  It is a hands-on, interactive program designed to equip team leaders with the necessary skills to form meaningful partnerships with communities in the developing world, assess their need for solar power, and design and install a solar power system.  These skills are taught in two separate courses that run concurrently during our Solar School.  It is recommended that a church or organization send at least 2 representatives to Solar School, one for each course.


Solar 1: Leadership, Partnership Development, and Surveying - $300

Solar 1 leaders are trained to build a mission team, establish partnerships with communities in need, plan and organize the project, raise funds, and nurture cultural awareness and spiritual development.  

This course includes:

  • Exploring the theology of doing mission in partnership
  • Developing partnerships and organizing skills
  • Forming teams (Trip Management and Leadership)
  • Evaluating sites for solar projects
  • Negotiating covenants
  • Increasing cultural awareness


Solar 2: System Design, Installation, and Equipping Partners - $300 

Solar 2 leaders are trained in the technical aspects of solar power systems.  They will learn to assess the power needs of a community, design a system to meet those needs, and lead an installation team.

This course includes:

  • Assessing electrical needs and loads
  • Understanding system components and operation
  • Designing an off-grid solar energy system
  • Leading an installation project
  • Practicing safety and maintenance
  • Teaching in-country partners to operate and maintain systems
  • Hands on build exercise


Group Sessions:

All solar school students will participate in plenary sessions to learn about doing meaningful mission in partnership with a community in the developing world.  These sessions include:

  • Mission Strategy
  • Fundraising
  • Cultural differences between countries
  • Devotions



Registration begins at 7:30 AM on Thursday. Solar School concludes at 10:30 AM on Sunday.  

  • The activities and classes begin each morning at 7:30 AM and end in the evenings at 8:15 PM. If you would like to view a typical Solar School daily schedule, click here.


Scholarships are available.  CLICK HERE for the Scholarship application.


We recommend that participants be at least 18 years of age.  


Upcoming Sessions


Solar School Session 27: Oct 24-27, 2024


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